Posts Tagged ‘techniques for neat handwritten notes’

  • Toe the Line*

    Mar 11, 10 • Helen • CardsComments Off on Toe the Line*Read More »
    Toe the Line*

    Warning:  (Written AFTER I composed this post 🙂 With all the concerns in the world – disaster, earthquakes, political upheaval, hunger, unemployment and much, much more – this is an absolutely trivial rant that was most entertaining to myself to write, but if solving world problems is on the top of your list today, DON’T BOTHER TO READ! I am not a perfectionist per se**.  My motto reflects a description of Mary Poppins…simply to be “practically perfect in every way!”  I will claim “planned imperfection” as my way of “keeping it real”!  But there are certain things that drive me crazy…about myself and the way I do things – it’s totally a personal thing, meaning that I do not have the same set of standards towards anyone else’s manner of doing things.  What bothers me about my imperfection does not bother me about someone else…personal standards are just that: personal!  There are reasons of expedience and necessity for which the world has evolved and developed a number of conveniences like sliced bread, Kleenex and for today’s rant, lined paper.  Can you imagine teachers assigning our kids homework and then trying to read a sentence as it travels all over the page?  It would have been that way for my teachers without lines on my notebook paper!  Lined, or ruled paper is one of those modern conveniences that we probably take entirely for granted.  Until we try to do

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