Last week, I mentioned that I was going to be working on my new school year's resolutions. I talked about being getting organized and making better use of my time…I didn't go into any specifics, but in order to have a goal, I think I'd better get specific. So here's what I would like to do… Cooking With Food Storage: If I am going to buy it, I'd better practice cooking it, so when I do, they will like to eat it. I figure if I do it every week, that would be wonderful…not necessarily practical. I'm going to do this in baby steps! So maybe something new every two weeks. I am going to include gathering and rotating into this schedule. Organizing the Home: I have cupboards that serve only as storage and haven't been cleaned out for years! There are things that you don't use often, but still want to keep. But if you never use it, maybe it's time to part with it. If I attack a bank of drawers, re-lining the pots and pans cupboards, refilling the water storage (in the back of the cupboards) and re-evaluating what's in the closets, one smaller project at a time, I think I can find joy in small successes. Organizing the Work Room: Here in is where I really want to focus the most, at least my secular energies. I have one monster project
Setting goals and finding balance in your life isn't ever an easy project.