You want me to come home to see something?
There's something about bagels, friends and growing old...
Life is like a junk can only be so organized!
Do you ever get that feeling that something is wrong, but you don't know what? When you go to your car and your heart starts beating really fast and you question if grabbing that cookie before walking out the door has given you a sugar rush or if something that you ate for lunch didn't sit well with you? How about you are driving to drop something off, some distance from home, and right before you get there, your phone rings and you don't have your glasses on to see that it is your Mom calling, so you answer it anyway, and when she asks "Are you tied up right now?" and you respond, "Well that wouldn't be good since I'm driving" and you pull over to chat, even though sitting at home would be more comfortable, but it's your Mom, so you sit in the car and chat for almost an hour before you put the phone on speaker and drive to where you are going? How about you are further delayed by a call from your husband, and then when you finally get back on the road to head home, you make a right turn, instead of a left, and end up going through McDonald's drive thru for a Diet Coke…still thinking that you will get home in enough time to make the cookie dough before your youngest calls the Family Home Storage Center parking lot with long-term food storage ingredients prepared and ready to idea of a party!
Last week, I mentioned that I was going to be working on my new school year's resolutions. I talked about being getting organized and making better use of my time…I didn't go into any specifics, but in order to have a goal, I think I'd better get specific. So here's what I would like to do… Cooking With Food Storage: If I am going to buy it, I'd better practice cooking it, so when I do, they will like to eat it. I figure if I do it every week, that would be wonderful…not necessarily practical. I'm going to do this in baby steps! So maybe something new every two weeks. I am going to include gathering and rotating into this schedule. Organizing the Home: I have cupboards that serve only as storage and haven't been cleaned out for years! There are things that you don't use often, but still want to keep. But if you never use it, maybe it's time to part with it. If I attack a bank of drawers, re-lining the pots and pans cupboards, refilling the water storage (in the back of the cupboards) and re-evaluating what's in the closets, one smaller project at a time, I think I can find joy in small successes. Organizing the Work Room: Here in is where I really want to focus the most, at least my secular energies. I have one monster project
Remembering Nine Years Ago...
Setting goals and finding balance in your life isn't ever an easy project.
Saturday is a special's the day we get tired for Sunday!
Yesterday, I sent out the link for 2 for $10 entrees at Pei Wei…and made my own trip there for dinner with the girls. Good friends (daughters included), good deal, good food and good laughs – there were even good leftovers! But before the dinner was even started, there was good news. For those of you that go to Pei Wei – really quick, really good, kind-of like PF Chang food – you know that you serve yourself drinks, gather your own silverware and pick up your own fortune cookies. Imagine that – a huge basket of fortune cookies, hundreds of them, there for the taking. Our group considers that an appetizer so a handful goes back to our table with us. Anyway, the motto is that we keep eating them until we find one we like or get full and have to take our whole meal home. I was feeling a little adventurous last night, and I hadn't eaten for HOURS, so I decided to keep eating until I got a bad one. I don't know if that's technically legal as far as the fortune cookie deal goes. But here are my fortunes: I know, I know…4 is more than enough fortune cookies. Let's break these down. 1. I need to figure out what I need to start now. 2. I LOVE to receive special things in large packages. 3.