I love the sticker tags that you can get at Christmas time. You know, the peel and stick type. It makes the wrapping process go so much faster. But there are times when you want something a little bit fancier. Time to tackle the tag tower!
I found this old receipt stacker in a junk box in the garage – this will serve as a perfect gauge for how many tags I need to make.
Do you remember October Afternoon? Years ago, it was my favorite paper company. I would look forward to each new release and make sure to grab as much as I could afford. Then one day, they were gone. As I look back, I’m glad that I stocked up. This is one of the last lines that I bought and it is a favorite.
Before I start stacking new tags, let’s remember where this “tag tower” started. I made 4 dozen blank tags. Then, I made this:
Which was so much fun that I made more…
I love these! On to another day and some glittered snowflakes…
…just adding to the pile! So then I got the October Afternoon “Holiday Style”. I started by making this tag…
…I can’t seem to stop myself!
Just imagine what fun it will be when I get around to making cards! Just trying to make Christmas merry in my own little office!
Tags: Christmas gift tags, Christmas tags, glittered snowflakes, October Afternoon Holiday Style projects, Snowflake tag