Safe and sound! Since I didn't go, I'll let the pictures tell the story. There will be more photos to come, once they are downloaded/developed, but for now…this will have to suffice!
Hans, Sam D., Tom D., Steven and Jake.
Gabe, Daniel, Forrest,Warren, and Joseph.
Jerry, Tom and Nick on left, Sam R., Max and Mike on right.
Scott on left, Ernie and Thomas F. on right…plus another couple of strangers in the back:) This is the really old guys raft!
Here we have Wesley, Ceasar, Gabe and Cyrus!
These photos are from Mountain & River Adventures. There will be more to come from other attendees of the trip.
I think that it would have been totally "fair" if I would have been able to go off to CHA or some crafty retreat. Instead, I got to face my own dangerous adventure…cleaning my workroom! All parties survived.
Tags: California river trips, Kern River rafting trip, Mountain & River Adventures, white water rafting