Another Week Just Slipped Away

Jul 18, 10 • LifeComments Off on Another Week Just Slipped Away

My life seems to be measured by weeks these days…a list of what happens from Sunday to Sunday.  Sometimes I like to think that I get a lot done and I have tangible proof.  Scott and Tom have been gone at Cherry Valley Scout camp for the past seven days and I have tried in the past to get something major accomplished, like cleaning the carpets or organizing my workroom, something that they could walk in and say, "Wow! You got a lot done while we were gone!"  Not this time.  I didn't even get totally rested up or play a lot.  But I won't say that the time was wasted, at least not all of it.  It was definitely both a "Mary" and a "Martha" week.

Sunday was busy getting the boys off to camp.  We were supposed to have our Super Saturday (day of crafts) TODAY, so I was also trying to gather the samples and get sign-up sheets ready.  After a not so enthusiastic reception, we ended up postponing it.  The projects, IMO were good, but it's summer and you never know when vacations will get in the way and we have had a lot of new babies in the ward.  It's okay…we will do it later!  Today was kind of a "Martha" day. 

Monday was busy getting some layouts done for Pinecone…or maybe I should say scanning and photomerged.  I'm not the best at doing this and it takes me a while.  But it sure saves on the shipping fees and delays in travel time!  "Another Martha" day.


Tuesday?  I can't honestly say that I remember anything spectacular happening.  I think I was  playing a little with the new Graphic 45 Hallowe'en in Wonderland…I posted that on Wednesday. "Martha".

Wednesday was pretty busy.  I got up, went to the grocery store, bought about 15 pounds of ground beef and then joined with three friends to make meatballs to go along with our red sauce and pasta that we were taking to Young Women's camp on Fiesta Island…food for seventy.  Between cooking and delivering it, it was an all day process!  This was more of a "Martha" day, but I have to say that with all the talking that got done and time spent with great ladies in my ward, it had it's share of being a "Mary" day.

I had gotten a call from my sister-in-law Cindy earlier in the week.  She had traveled to San Diego with her husband Byron, who was attending a conference for work.  We had determined that Thursday would be our day together.  This would definitely be a "Mary" day.

After picking her up from the hotel downtown, we drove to Greenwood, which is the cemetary where her dad is buried.  We live here in town and Scott will go periodically.  Sometimes I go with him, or he'll take one of the kids.  Recently, when his youngest sister Marian came for a visit, he and Megan went.  She was just a toddler when he passed away.  I don't think that she had ever been there since then. 

Cindy had not been back since he passed away, 30 years ago.  She has lived far away for most of that time, but I think the older we get, the more we think about things like that, about those that have long since passed…especially when we try to come to grips with our own mortality.  Dad Naylor, or Jordan (I never became acquainted enough with him before he died to know what I would have ended up calling him) died before his 53rd birthday.  I have outlived him by a whole year.  It's just one of those things that are surprising and unable to predict.  None of us know how long we have.  But I do not want this to sound morose.  Death is just part of life, just another part of our journey.

After looking where we thought it might be, with no success, Cindy and I went to the office and a nice employee walked with us to find it.  We knew it was by the duck pond, but not sure exactly where.

And then we were there.  He was all by himself…not with any other family members, which is in and of itself a good thing. 

Just matter-of-fact…beloved husband and father.  It certainly doesn't tell much of the story of a man who served his country, had 10 children and raised 3 of his brother's, who was an FBI agent, a Bishop, a Stake President and a Patriarch.  It would be difficult to list all his accomplishments in life on a small piece of granite.   That story lives on in the hearts and minds of those people whose lives were touched by knowing him.

And here sits Cindy, older that her Dad when he passed away.  Life is certainly precious and we should be grateful for every new day we have the opportunity to spend here.

As we ventured back to the pond before leaving, we talked, watched the ducks and saw some turtles in the pond.  Cindy said her Dad would have liked the turtles being there.

We had a wonderful visit.  We talked about important things and things of no real consequence.  But we were together, no distractions and it was sweet to be there.  It was definitely "Mary" time.

Friday breezed by and I played again – with my Hallowe'en in Wonderland papers, dinner and errands with Megan and Seija.  Nothing deep, but totally enjoying the moment.  I am happy to not be rushed, which is so often the case.

Saturday came, and in anticipation of the "boys"  arrival, we did a little cleaning, but a thorough job would have been wasted with them bringing home a weeks worth of camping in large duffle bags.  But I wanted to be ready for them, to listen to their stories and let them rest after a busy week.  We were not disappointed.  They had a great week, full of wonderful memories that have now been shared and enjoyed by the rest of the family. 

After starting the day as a "Martha" day, it definitely ended as a "Mary" day.  And ready or not, Sunday will come and another week will have slipped by.

In case you don't understand the whole Mary/Martha reference, please read here…

Luke 10:38-42

Don't let too much "Mary" time slip away!  Choose that good part.



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