Scripture Sunday #13 – a New Year

Jan 3, 10 • Scripture SundayNo Comments

It has arrived…the first Sunday in 2010.  Twenty ten.  A time for resolutions, New Year's resolutions.  Isn't it amazing how simply entering into a new year can inspire us to make changes in our life?  Not that it's the ONLY time we make changes, but just the fact that it's a new year gives us a fresh chance to resolve to change and hopefully for the better.

Sometimes resolutions involve the shedding of bad habits, like "I resolve not to drink diet soda with caffeine, stay up too late or eat chocolate".  I have actually known a few people to make those stick!  I have personally resolved to never order the "I Declair" eclair at Claim Jumpers with any less than 10 people to share it with!  I believe that there was at least a half gallon of ice cream on the bottom and at least a half gallon of whipped cream covering the bigger-than-a-football-sized eclair that was filled with Bavarian cream custard and topped with hot fudge.  Holy Heart Attack, Batman!  Three measly mortals should never attempt this feat on their own! 

Megan, mesmerized by the enormity of the task ahead!   

But perhaps a better way is to focus on the positive change, like "I will have my personal devotional time, to study scriptures, to exercise more and eat healthy".  I, like a friend, would like to be more organized.  My workroom is still a disaster!  But I also really enjoy blogging and want to be more methodical in that endeavor.  I don't see parting with crafts, which continue the clutter and mess, but perhaps the more I share my "stuff", the less "stuff" I will be burdened with.  I'm not ready to part with everything, but I should definitely learn to collect less!  Besides, it is so much fun to be able to share!  But maybe I can incorporate both of these goals – collecting less and getting organized with blogging and sharing ideas (and stuff).  I think I can make this work!

Our Relief Society theme this year is based on King Benjamin's sermon in Mosiah in the Book of Mormon.  In just a few short chapters he addresses how we can perfect our lives and gives us good basic principles to live by to help us to find unity and happiness.  Jill gave a wonderful lesson today, talking about finding unity in our lives:  in our families, in the world-wide church and within ourselves, to be one in purpose with Christ. 

There is a phrase that, as a presidency, we chose for our theme this year.  In Mosiah 4:12 it reads:

And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins: and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

King Benjamin explains what is required in the verses preceding and after this statement, but we loved the idea that we can be filled with the love of God.  So this will be our goal this year…to be united in purpose, to bear one another's burdens and to be filled with the love of God.  It will be a goal to be worked on, something that will require daily attention, but a worthy resolution.  Here's to a wonderful New Year!

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