Visiting With Scrooge, Marley and Tiny Tim

Last week I watched Disney’s version of “A Christmas Carol”, with voices of Jim Carey, Gary Oldham and Collin Firth.  It is amazing how much the animated characters resemble the actors that played their parts!  It was good to revisit the story and made me want to read it again.  I do so love the Dicken’s tale.  It isn’t directed only at miserly old men (and women) but to all that stand in need of improvement.  In the preface of the book, Dickens writes: 

I have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost of an Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves, with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.

Their faithful Friend and Servant, C.D.   December, 1843

To raise the Ghost of an Idea…I love that statement!  There was great purpose behind the tale, but it was told in a way that would cause the reader to consider, as did Ebenezer, their relationship with mankind.  The difference between Scrooge before his Ghostly visits and after, is at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.  Scrooge was the unhappiest of all men – what he found was the happiness that comes from having a genuine concern for the conditions of those around him. 

Once again, I am sharing this Mormon Message because I love it so. 

 What will your gift to Christ be this Christmas season?  What will you give?

My room is as cold as Bob Crachet’s cubicle.  It is time to find warm jamies and tuck into bed.  I wonder what I am likely to dream about tonight?

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