December Daily…Distractions

Dec 6, 11 • ChristmasNo Comments

I have got to say that this list of things to do daily in December has become more like a list of distractions.  Once again, I got waylaid by a friend who needed company while printing something at the library at church…which next moved to the everything99cents store, then to McDonald’s for a Diet Coke, then back to the everything99cents store to check and see if Umberto put anything else out when he got back from lunch…yes, I know the stocker’s first name and yes, I know when he goes to lunch…but only so I know when to take a Diet Coke break and come back when he’s stocking again.  Alas, today I didn’t find anything…not one single thing!  Maybe Thursday… 

I asked a friend if she wanted to join me tonight for our Relief Society activity down at the Mormon Battalion Visitor’s Center.  I have a big car and am always ready to drive when a group is going together.  However, when I went out to my car, I realized just how dirty it really was – inside and out!  And it was layers deep of dirty.  It’s symptomatic of a much deeper issue, I’m sure.  Sharing a car with others also adds to the depth one must go to clean it out.  Mostly it was bringing in the shopping, grocery and Christmas, that had been done over last weekend.  But honestly, there were things that were put in the car sometime around Halloween.  That is scary!  Not to mention that I haven’t washed the poor thing since the summer.  I know…shape up, Helen!  Take some pride in your vehicle and give the beast a bath!

Fine!  Not really what I intended to work on today, but that’s why it hasn’t been done for months.  Other things always seemed to come first.  I enlisted the help of my boys and we got it into reasonable condition although we totally ignored the top of the Expedition…we were too busy worrying about flooding the gopher holes in the grass and the disturbed ants crawling up the legs.

When I finally came inside to get back to the decorating, all I really had time to do was put away all the things I had emptied out of the car and get the laundry started.

The evening was very nice.  I had a good talk with my friend during the travel time.  I went on the tour, watched some sweet Christmas stories, had lovely refreshment and a nice visit with the ladies.  After I dropped my friend off, I drove by the San Diego California Temple and the lights were on.  It was beautiful.  I didn’t stay for long, but I lingered a few minutes and looked at the lights.  Even though I have been easily distracted the past few days from the preparations that need to be done, as I looked at the lights I remembered that it was okay to step back from the craziness and just enjoy the moment, even if I was all by my lonesome.

Maybe tomorrow SOMETHING on my list will get done!

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