Frankenstein is in the House!

Oct 30, 09 • Family Stuff, Halloween2 Comments



The UCHS drama department put on a production of Frankenstein this year.  Mike landed what I think is the most interesting part – Frankenstein’s Creature.



He was able to fine tune all those growling, moaning and groaning sounds that he is so fond of making at home, but is discouraged from doing, lest his mother be constantly asking him what on earth is wrong.  He definitely needs to make a trip to Brother Gandola’s (dentist) office!  What an absolutely wonderful production!  The cast did an eerie, dark portrayal of an experiment gone terribly wrong in the reanimation of a corpse, or should I say multiple corpses…the best of the best all rolled into one Mike!

On the day of their first performance, our house was filled with the aroma of baking.  I told Ms. Brown that the Naylor family would bring cookies and other treats, but she had no idea what I meant!  Megan and I had been on the search for cookie cutters, special food dyes, candy melts and sprinkles and we found more than we had planned.  We had originally wanted to have a Halloween party at our house, but that never materialized.  So with all these great ideas in our heads, I didn’t want them to go to waste and Megan was a good sport about it.

Tuesday morning we had a surprise guest – big brother Jacob drove down to see Mike in the play!  We caught the dress rehearsal Tuesday afternoon where we could take pictures.  For dinner, we went to a private party at a new Shakey’s Pizza Parlor that Scott had been building.  The food was delicious and the best part was that we didn’t have to cook!  Megan made cookie dough that night so it could chill overnight and be ready to roll out in the morning.

Megan worked most of Wednesday cutting out sugar cookie and she and Jake spent the afternoon decorating while the Mom was outside working on Tom and Mike’s Halloween costumes.  The conversation got silly…almost punchy – you’d think we were up late the night before!  Wait…we were.  It was so fun to have the two of them working together and listening to their banter – except for the really silly stuff.  Do kids ever get too old to tell them to shush?


Jacob was hard at work on the decorating.  The kitchen looked like a cookie factory except without as much room…there were cookies everywhere!  In honor of the play, one cookie design was a Frankenstein cookie…aren’t they fabulous?


We really do work together well as a team, although they are really just being kind and assisting their aged, feeble mother…feeble because who but someone feeble would sign up for this project!  I do so appreciate them and all their support.  They are incredibly creative, but even more important, kind children.  I am really blessed to have them in my life!


We bagged and tied up so many little treats!  Don’t they look good enough to eat?   We dropped them off at the front concession table and took some pictures.  Yummy!


There were a huge number of members from UC 1st ward there to support our two cast members, and it was fun to watch their reaction to the play.  (That’s James at the table.)  The performance was frightening and small children clung to their mothers for fear that Michael might be too strong for them as well.

Poor Henry was overcome and passed right out when Mike scooped him up into his arms.  Actually, he liked Mike’s performance and costume so well that he has decided to be Frankenstein for Halloween.  Now there’s a picture to look forward to!

My daughter Lizzie and her friend Tamlyn came and were touched by the strength of Mike’s portrayal of the Creature.  It really was wonderful, but don’t ask an adoring Mom to be critical.


I just love my kids!  Did I mention that Tom (the tall one in the photo below) worked on the set crew and helped to build the incredible backdrops and props?  He’s learned a lot about tools and work from his Dad and he’s quite handy to have around.  He’s an awesome figure in black when the scenery changed.  Good job to both Mike and Tom!



I loved my children when they were little, but I love them all (or almost) grown-up as well!  I am grateful for each time, every phase that I have shared with them in their lives and look forward to the years ahead.  Life is good!  But not without its drama!

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2 Responses to Frankenstein is in the House!

  1. Diane says:

    Mike’s make-up is amazing. Those cookies are too cute. Love the candy corn and Frankie’s.
    Your kids are great.

  2. Linn says:

    Thank you for sharing Helen! Mike, you look AWESOME and we are sad we missed the performance. We would have loved it!

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